Annual Appeal 2023
Help individuals and families in need across the North Shore.

Have you ever felt hopeless?

What if I told you that with a donation today, you could provide hope for a better future to thousands of individuals and families like Monique’s in our community?

A single mother of two, Monique had done everything in her power to ensure her kids would have a better life than she had growing up. In and out of the foster system as a child, Monique never felt like she had a stable place to call home. As she grew older and eventually had kids of her own, she was determined to give her children a better life.

For many years, and with lots of hard work, she was able to do just that…

Then came:

…a $300/month increase in rent
…a $225/month cut to her SNAP benefits
…a 70% increase in utility costs
…and an unexpected surgery that left her out of work

Read more about Monique’s story here.

With record amounts of need in the community, we need your help now more than ever! This year alone, we’ve seen nearly 4,700 MORE pantry visits than last year and served over 1,000 MORE individuals throughout all our Food Assistance programs.

We’ve been able to keep up with this immense growth over the last year thanks to the generous support of community members like you, but to sustain serving this many individuals in the years to come, we need your continued help!

Will you make a gift today and help us to continue serving our neighbors in need?

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Optional. Write a personal note to the recipient.